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Cornelia Linke

I work and explore the body as a physical therapist and a Body-Mind Centering® practitioner for over 30 years through different methods :

- structural approach by physical and manual therapy

- sensitive and intuitive approach through yoga and the Feldenkrais and      Alexander methods

- proprioceptive approach via fasciatherapy


Interested in improvisation and creation, I enrich my physical practice by contemporary dance and an intense training in Aikido.

Cornelia Linke Portrait

Both in individual and group sessions, I’m interested in accompanying every person in his/her singularity. We start the session where he/she is right now in order to offer more possibilities – broader possibilities in perception, movement and expression.

I’m interested in the multiple, most precise ways in which these small, sometime unconscious movements progress and show themselves. The small movement in the big one and the big movement in the small one, as a subtle dance, in order to fluidify the transition.

It’s about trying out and exploring the different qualities of the body and the mind, to give them a “gestalt”, a perceptible and conscious form to anchor them in the world.

This holistic BMC® work enables oneself to find more anchorage in one’s choices of life, in one’s choices of being, perceiving oneself and others.

An openness towards oneself in order to interact with one’s environment in a conscious and efficient way.

A way to display one’s capacities of self-regulation and adjustment.

An openness sometimes towards the unknown, to let unfold what is yet to come.

The possibility to pay attention both to the conscious and the unconscious and to make it one’s source of inspiration and creation.     

I discovered Body-Mind Centering® in the beginning of the nineties at a dance class given by Katharina Rustler at the tanzfabrik Berlin.

I was immediately appealed and intrigued by this approach, but I needed a more structured training in the beginning, so I formed myself as a physical and a manual therapist.


At the same time I continued to involve myself in movement through dance and Aikido. Other methods, like yoga, Feldenkrais and the Alexander-method enriched and extended my practice.

Finally BMC® came back into my life to express all these experiences, to give them grounds and consistency. In this way it structures my researches in improvisation and creation. 

In 2019, I had the chance of being one of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen's assistants during one of her workshops.during one

Explore your body in movement

Feel alive and present


Feeling more lively and ready.

Being at ease in one's body in everyday life as well as in your professional and in your sports life.


Feeling more embodied in your body and in your entire being.

Make a connection between your body, your mind and your emotions. Work on a keystone to center and at the same time to let unfold different aspects.

Gain in autonomy.


Open up to other aspects of your creativity and find other ressources.

Open up hidden boxes of inspiration.

Explore the infinitely big and infinitely small.

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